When I see someone smiling, or hear someone laughing, I immediately begin to do the same- it is so contagious! That is exactly what Joy! by Bruce Velick accomplished to do so well. A small photography book full of smiles and laughs, that truly make you want to do the same.

It’s an easy read- one of those “pick up and open to a random page” kind of book- also makes for a great gift 🙂

Joy! by Bruce Velick

The introduction of the book, written by Robert Emmons, PhD, dives into the simple yet complex emotion of joy. He talks about the importance of joy and how it is vital to well- being. He talks about the intensity of joy and that “joy carries a sense of the unexpected, of surprise”.

Joy may sound like happiness, but, as Dr. Emmons points out, the two are not synonymous. “Joy is more intense than happiness”, he says. “Happiness is based on happenings, but joy is a way of being in the world. In joy, all things are bigger, bolder, and brighter.”

Joy has always been something I strive to feel – the intense, positive emotion that you can’t fake. The one that overflows out of you when you least expect it. That giddy smile you can’t erase off your face, or the butterfly feeling when you know you’re about to reconnect with someone you love deeply.

JOY! is the perfect coffee table book or small book to leave on your desk and grab whenever you need to put a smile on your face. The collection of photos in this book are so perfectly expressive of this deep, intense emotion.

From laughing babies, to young lovebirds, this book is sure to put a smile on your face and bring about that feeling of joy inside.

Usually, when I feel down or overwhelmed, I’ll pick up this book and open it up to any page and, like clockwork, my heart feels lighter and I can’t seem to rub the smile off of my face.

It also makes for a great gift to a loved one or a friend!

What makes you feel joy? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Comment below, message me on IG or email me 🙂

Until next time,

Cristina Marie

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